About this course:

Do I need a piano to take this course?

No! That's the whole point of this course.

Can I take this course if I'm completely new at this?

Yes, of course, please do! This course is 100% for you!

Is this course for kids or adults?

For both!

We are experts at educating both kids and adults, and we are aware that kids and adults don't learn the same way. However, we have meticulously designed this course in such a way that it's fun and also easy to understand for both kids and adults.

To accomplish this we use 3 main techniques:

1) The instructor uses a script that has been very carefully written so the explanations are flawless and very well done.

2) The instructor is very energetic and very encouraging. For an adult this may seem like too much at first, but it actually makes the course more fun in the long run.

3) The instructor is sometimes repetitive on purpose, in order to make sure the student has the time to understand and apply the concepts being taught. Kids need repetition, and most adults too. That said, if an adult does find repetition annoying, the adult can easily fast-forward the lesson or increase the playback speed.

I'm an adult; is it too late to start learning how to play the piano?

It's never too late to embark on your piano journey. PIANOLESSON™ will teach you everything with ease, ensuring you have fun from the very beginning, all while minimizing frustration and achieving 100% effectiveness.

What am I going to learn in this course?

Here's the class syllabus:

DAY 1:

Name of the Fingers

Placement of the Fingers

Placement of the Hand

Placement of the Arm

Placement of the Body

Understand Technique

DAY 2:

What is Pitch

The Major Scale

Solfedge (Do Re Mi Fa So)

Playing Scales

Even or Odd Fingers

What are Chords

How to Play Chords

DAY 3:

Basic Finger Technique

Understand Number Scores

Read Number Scores

Learn Finger Patterns

Advanced Finger Technique

DAY 4:

The Keys of the Piano

How is the Piano Built

How Does a Piano Work

The Hammers & Strings in a Piano

How do Keyboards Work

What is a Sampler

Why is it named "Piano"

Who invented the Piano

History about the Piano

What is Rhythm

What is Tempo

DAY 5:

Your First Song

What is a Melody

What is Harmony

What are Harmonics

What are Octaves

What is the Bass

Vertical & Horizontal Harmony

The Left Hand of Your First Song

Play by Memory with Both Hands

Play with your Eyes Closed

DAY 6:

The Name of the Notes

The Notes in the Piano

Understanding White Notes

Understanding Black Notes

Sharps & Flats

How to Find the Notes in a Piano

Hand Positioning in a Piano

Octaves in the Piano

Major Scales in the Piano

How to Play a Real Piano

Tips for Your First Day at a Piano

If I have a piano already, can I use while taking this course?

No please, don't use it. The magic of this course is that you will learn more without a piano.

- If you already know how to play the piano this course is not for you.

- If you played the piano before but you are amateur & self taught then this course will help you develop a good technique and undo all the bad habits you may already have.

- If you are amateur but you already know the basics then PIANOLESSON 2 may be the course for you. Check it out by clicking here.

Is it worth it to take this course if I already know how to play the piano?

If you never played the piano before this course is 100% for you, but if you already play the piano, then it depends of your level of expertise:

- If you played the piano before but you are just starting, in this course you will learn a lot of things you probably didn't know, specially if you are self-taught or if you don't know music theory.

- If you already know how to play the piano well this course is not for you.

Do I have the option to increase the playback speed of the video lessons?

Yes! The video player has a "settings" option where you can play the video at a lower or higher speed up to 2x the original speed.

Can I preview the lessons?
Is this course going to teach me how to play the piano very well?

No, it's not. This course will not teach you how to play the piano very well.

The goal of this course is to get you started the best possible way ever: To have you play a simple song right away on your first day ever you sit at a piano; plus, teach you a lot of music. This is already a huge accomplishment and the best head start ever to start playing music. But if you want to play the piano very well you need to continue your education after this course. If you want to continue with us, then PIANOLESSON 2 will help you do that.

More about the course:

How many song are we learning in this course? Can I choose which song to learn?

In this course we are only learning one song, with both hands playing different things at the same time; without a piano; and by memory... All this makes it quite challenging eventhough the song we are learning may not sound so challenging ("Jingle Bells"), but it's the perfect song for our goal: To understand the piano and develop the necessary finger coordination so you are ready to play. Once you complete PIANOLESSON, you are set to start to learn your favorite songs. In PIANOLESSON 2 we teach you how to do that!

Can I take this course while taking piano lessons?

This course is designed to get you ready to play the piano before you get to a piano. If you are taking piano lessons that means you are already playing the piano. In that case this course may not be for you.

We recommend you take this course BEFORE you get piano lessons. If you do, you will save lots and lots of money in piano lessons. And if you end up taking piano lessons you will already have a huge head start before your first piano lesson.

Why not learning from free tutorials in YouTube?

If you want to learn your favorite song and you don't care about getting a solid education, YouTube is better. This course will not teach you your favorite song. Instead, this course will give you a very solid music education. YouTube just can't match what we offer. This is why:

While YouTube is free, it would take you hours to find all the information inside this course. Plus it will not be organized, specially not like this course, which has been organized by a professional musician and expert piano instructor. PIANOLESSON has been carefully scripted to concentrate a lot of information in a very short amount of time. It's also the only course that can do this without having a piano. This makes it unique, you simply won't be able to find something similar in YouTube.

Eventhough this course is not free, you are going to save a lot of money: With YouTube videos it's very common to develop bad technique and bad habits by trying to learn songs without the professional support of an expert. With time this translates into an incredible waste of time and money trying to fix all the bad habits you created.

Is this course available in other languages?

No, not yet. It's only available in English for now. But we are working on it!

Can I take this course while I do other activities?

You can, if those activities don't require focusing and it's safe to listen or watch the course at the same time. For example: While pedaling an e-bike inside the gym. However:

⚠️ Do not listen to or watch this course when you are doing activities that require focusing or can expose you to any danger. For example, you can't take this course while you walk or run in the street because you must be alert at all times, specially when crossing the street.

You say you can take this course without watching the screen, as an audio podcast, so I could take this course while I drive, right?

No! Absolutely NOT! Please don't! You could get into an accident. Do NOT take this course while performing activities that require your total attention, EVEN IF you are not watching the screen. Same thing applies to other activities that can expose you to danger, like walking in the street, jogging, cooking, lifting weights, biking, hiking in dangerous terrain, etc.

Can I download the course?

With your email and password, you can log in and access all the courses you've purchased. The courses are not downloaded; instead, they are viewed directly in the web browser.

Will I have immediate access to the courses?

Yes! You will receive instructions on how to start your course immediately after completing your purchase.

About length & duration:

How long are the lessons?

Each lesson is about 10-15 minutes long. We recommend taking about 4 to 6 lessons per day.

How many lessons do I have to take per day?

Take as many as you want. However, we recommend you take all the lessons assigned to that day. There are about 4 to 6 lessons per day.

How long will it take me to do the entire course?

The lessons sum up to a total of approximately 6 hours, taken in a minimum of 6 days.

If you got the bonus material you have to add one extra day (for 1 hour). That's a total of 7 days of lessons (about 1 hour per day).

However, aside from those 7 days of lessons we recommend taking 2 extra days:

⓵ One extra day to take a few lectures that will get you prepared before starting the lessons, so the day you start the lessons you can start right away on lesson 1. In these lectures we will explain the course outline and tips on how to take this course.

⓶ We also recommend taking another extra day at the end of the course, after you take all the lessons. Here we will make sure you are ready for the amazing experience of playing a real piano for the first time.

In conclusion: we recommend you spend 9 days for the entire course, with an average of one hour a day or less.

Do I have to take the lessons in a row?

That would be best! If possible:

⓵ Take all the lessons for each day at once.

⓶ Take the course in consecutive days, without skipping any days.

What happens if I take longer to take the course?

Nothing, it's fine as long as you are consistent and take lessons every day. However, if you stop taking lessons for a few days, you could loose your progress. If you forget the material you learned on the previous lessons you might get lost in your future lessons. So try to take the lessons over consecutive days.

What will happen if I pause for one entire day?

If you take a one day vacation, that's fine. But if you take more days off, you could forget the material you learned on the previous lessons you already took, and therefore you might get lost in any future lessons.

What happens if I stop the course for a few days?

Don't do that, you might loose the progress you already accomplished.

Can I skip a few lessons if I'm getting bored?

You shouldn't get bored, because it's a fun & challenging course! But if you do get bored do not skip lessons. Try this instead:

1 - Practice the finger exercises even when the instructor is explaining something. This will make the course more challenging and engaging and you will learn more.

2- You can always change the playback speed so the instructor speaks faster.

3- If that's not sufficient, you can try to fast-forward the lessons, although it's highly not recommended.

What will happen if I take less lessons per day, than what you recommend for each day?

It doesn't matter how many lessons you take per day, as long as you are consistent and take lessons every day as much as possible. You can move at your own pace.

Can I extend the 90 days I have to take the course?

Yes. Once your 90 days expire you can purchase an extra 90-day extension for a small fraction of the price you paid for the course. You will get instructions by email on how to do this when you get close to the expiration date. For reasons like this email communication is important, and this is why we recommend that you never unsubscribe from our emails, at least until you have totally finished taking the course.

Why do I need to complete the course in a maximum of 90 days?

☑️ Setting a time limit increases results 10x. In courses with ‘Lifetime-Access’ many students purchase & never take the course, wasting their money.

☑️ Limiting access to 90 days help us offer courses that are more affordable than courses with ‘Lifetime-Access’.

☑️ In courses with ‘Lifetime-Access’ courses your personal data lingers in the web forever. We don't like that.

Will I have enough time to take the course in 90 days if I can't start right away?

YES! The entire course, including bonuses and preparation, takes about 9 days to complete. You have 10 times that time! Even if you wait 80 days to start the course since the day of purchase, you will still finish the entire course on time.

About payment:

How do I request a refund?

To request a refund click here.

What's the price for the course?

The course is valued at $497. We sometimes run big discounts of 70% off from the original value. Check here for the latest discount.

The prices are in U.S Dollars, how do I convert them to my currency?

The prices are listed in U.S Dollars, and if you reside in a country that uses a different currency, you will be billed in U.S Dollars, and your bank will automatically take care of converting this into your local currency.

Can I pay with a wire transfer, Venmo, Zelle, Revolut, or cash?

No, we only accept payment by credit card or PayPal.

Which types of credit cards do you accept?

Visa, Mastercard, American Express, China UnionPay (CUP), Discover & Diners, eftpos Australia, Japan Credit Bureau (JCB)

Do you accept American Express?


Can I support you without having to take the course?

Yes! Our goal is to make music education more approachable so we hopefully end the huge problem of music illiteracy around the world. You can help us by making a donation clicking here. Thanks so much. 🙏

If I don't like this course, can I get my money back?

Yes, you have 30 days to get a 100% reimbursement. To request a refund click here. We know you will love the course, but if for any strange reason the course is not for you, we don't want you to pay for it. On the other side, if you did learn in the course, you shouldn't ask for a reimbursement. Doing so in order to save the expense would be unethical. We invested years of hard work doing this course so you can learn to play the piano in a unique new super effective way. Your purchase help us pay for all that time and continue making courses. We appreciate your ethical business.

If I don't play the piano very well after taking this course, can I get my money back?

This course will not teach you how to play the piano very well.

The goal of this course is to have you play a simple song right away on your first day ever you sit at a piano and learn a lot of music. This is already a huge accomplishment and the best head start ever to start playing music. This course is absolutely fantastic to get started, but if you want to play the piano very well you need to continue your education after this course. If you want to continue with us, then PIANOLESSON 2 will help you do that.

You can request a refund, as long as it's within 30 days of purchase. To request a refund click here.

If I can't play correctly the song that we learn in this course on my first try playing a real piano, can I get my money back?

We guarantee that if you follow our instructions, and take the lessons the way we suggest (all the lessons assigned for each day, in consecutive days), you will be able to play the song correctly by memory right away on your first try playing the piano! So if by the end of the course you still can't play the song correctly, it's very probable that either you skipped lessons, or you were disastracted or didn't take the course seriously. If this is the case, don't ak for a refund for the course. Instead take it again and try to focus on the lessons. If you still need to request a refund click here.

Problem solving:

I am experiencing difficulties in accessing my course

If you can't log in to the courses, there could be two reasons:

1) It could be that the password is incorrect: You can recover your password here.

2) It could be that the email is incorrect. If so that means you entered your email incorrectly when making the purchase, which is why you can't log in and why you don't receive our emails. To resolve this problem contact us at or click here and we will assist you.

Other questions:

Who is Miguel Coiz?

Meet our instructor! Click here.

Miguel Coiz, a distinguished US pianist, composer, and record producer, has carved a niche as a leading music education specialist. Leveraging over two decades of expertise, he emphasizes efficient music learning and productivity techniques. His clientele encompasses Hollywood actors, high-profile CEOs, and billionaires, underscoring his far-reaching impact.

Safety Information:

⚠️ PIANOLESSON prohibits the use of their products while performing activities that require being focused and can expose you to any kind of danger. Please follow the rules. We care about you and your health.

What are the Terms & Conditions of PIANOLESSON?

You can find them by clicking here:

What is the Privacy Policy of PIANOLESSON?

You can find it by clicking here: